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Erotic massage Zaporizhia •Art Studio• Profile #1090

Updated 19.06.2020 15:21

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Price in apartments

1 hour850 USD

Male SPA-salon invites you to an unforgettable erotic massage and a trip to the country of erotic fantasies! In our salon everything is at the highest level: interior, service, neat well-groomed staff with good mood, cleanliness and all the conditions for VIP-rest. Prices are democratic! Everyone can choose an individual program, the cost of which varies from 450 UAH. Depending on the number of girls in the program, duration and fullness. We look forward to seeing you around the clock! Do not look for a reason, do not wait for the right moment - enjoy the pleasure and complete relaxation of your body and soul today! We do not have a headache and there is always something to please.

Country Ukraina
City Zaporizhzhia
District Voznesenivskyi


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